Skin Color Wheel

Get your lucky skin color.


What is Skin Color

From Wikipedia we can learn that human skin color ranges from the darkest brown to the lightest shade. The differences in skin color between individuals are caused by variations in pigmentation. Melanin is produced in cells called melanocytes and is the main determinant of skin color in dark-skinned humans.

There are many beautiful people in the world and different ethnic backgrounds, but in general, it is more common to classify them into 6 basic skin types. These 6 basic skin types are: pale, fair, medium, olive, brown, and black. They also known as Light/Pale White, White/Fair, Medium/White to Olive, Olive/Moderate brown, Brown/Dark Brown, and Black/Very dark.

What is Skin Color Wheel

As just introduced, our Skin Color Wheel supports these 6 basic skin colors. Start the wheel by clicking the SPIN button and wait for the wheel to stop to get your lucky skin color.

Spin the wheel to get your lucky skin color using the Skin Color Wheel now.